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Writer's pictureBrown Sugar Queen

Relax ... Life is too short

Why is it so difficult for us to relax? The weather was beautiful this weekend. There was a breeze, and the humidity was not stifling. I decided to sit on my patio to soak in some vitamin D. I planned to relax all day, but I kept allowing 'things' get in the way. First, I needed to go to the grocery store to pick up a few items, so I did that. Then I remembered I promised my sister I would work on the family reunion. And just about 10 minutes ago, a friend calls to ask me to help her revamp her resume. When I set my mind to truly relaxing, that's what I want to do. No visitors, no calls, no NOTHING I don't want to do.

So, I took a breather, recalled my mantra for 2018 to be kind to myself and started moving things around to benefit me. The family reunion stuff can wait another week. We have plenty of time to wrap things up. Then I called my friend back and told her to send the information, and I would work on it during the week. I was able to sit on my patio for most of the day, soaking in the sun, enjoying the light breeze, and listening to my slow jams. Life is good.

Some of the ideas I plan to incorporate into my life to relax and take care of myself:

1. Say "no" more often.

2. Take more long bubble baths.

3. Get a massage at least 6 times this year.

4. Listen to my playlist more frequently.

5. Take my pooch on longer walks during the weekend and at least once a week.

Post on the comments what are you doing today or this week to take care of yourself and relax?

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