The world has changed so much. I remember when growing up, we used to stay outside from sun up to sun down. All of the games we played did not involve technology, and you could play by yourself, with a friend, or with a group of friends. Nowadays, it is rare to see children outside playing, even in large neighborhoods. I think it’s important for children to be outside because it gives them an opportunity to make a mess, be as loud as they want to, run around, explore their surroundings, and socialize with friends.
Outdoor play enables young children to learn lots and lots and lots of things about the world. How does ice feel and sound? Can sticks stand up in the sand? How do plants grow? How does mud feel? Why do we slide down instead of up? How do I make my tricycle go faster? What causes shade from the sun? How does a tomato smell and taste? What does dirt taste like?
I am a firm believer in allowing children to be children. Playing outside fulfills basic childhood needs—jumping, running, climbing, swinging, racing, yelling, rolling, hiding, and making a big mess—is what childhood is all about! It's also a time when you learn how to get along with others.
One of my favorite games was Hopscotch. But I also remember playing all the games below. Can you add to my list?
Red Rover
Red light/green light
Mother May I
Freeze Tag
Hide and Seek
Jump Rope
Simon Says
Musical Chairs
Post in the comments your favorite childhood game? If you have children, do you encourage them to go outside and play?